Monday, September 13, 2010

Here on this site, I endeavor to share ideas that cause people to stop and think. What I post is done in a positive manner. Having said that, I want to clarify that the thoughts I’m going to list today are not intended to be dark or meant to depress anyone, just give them something their mind can gnaw on for a bit.
Do you ever feel like you’re living, perpetually hidden, under the shadow of those around you? That once you’ve finally begun to explore who you are and identify that person as someone you like, life tosses you a curveball, causing you to fall back under the shadows?
And if this has happened, how do you react? Do you kick and flail? Do you submit to your new predicament, getting lost in a sea of overwhelming sentiments? Or do you attempt to find an agreeable middle ground where you’re no longer cast under the shadows and by doing so, able to deal with those curveballs more effectively?
Not sure that folks give this enough thought—who they are and if their inner star is being allowed to shine to its brightest. And by failing to give this consideration, people run the risk of never achieving their highest potential, unaware of whom they are at their core and what they have to contribute.
Everyone does, you know—have something to contribute. That thing may not be a world-famous picture or a brilliantly composed piece of music, but each individual is blessed with the innate ability to make his or her stamp on the world.
But that mark must begin with them stepping out from under the shadows cast on them by others so that they can see the reflections of their own internal light. Only then will they be able to recognize what their potential is and be able to act upon it.

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