Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You’ve just got to love bad drivers, especially if they are delusional.

Running an errand this afternoon, I found myself following a woman through a green arrow light. Clearing the intersection, she couldn’t seem to decide which lane she wanted to be in. Or perhaps it was that she wasn’t aware that there were lanes, seeing as she was quite preoccupied with talking on her cell phone and waving her free hand around while looking at her passenger.

Seeing as she was so busy, I didn’t take that much offense when she decided to try to occupy the very lane I was in, not having bothered to notice if other cars were around her. I applied my brakes and was glad to have not been hit. But…when she did the exact same careless maneuver less than thirty seconds later, I blew my horn and scooted over a lane to get away from her.

Now, perhaps I’m not quite the sensible person I thought I was, for what happened next was just plain weird. A short distance ahead, I pulled into the shopping center I’d been heading to. And the woman swerved in behind me. When I went to park my car, she pulled hers up by mine and rolled down her window. Then, in an oh, so mature fashion—not—she began yelling at me, across her young daughter sitting in the passenger seat, wanting to know why I had cut her off.

Wait! What? How could I have cut her off when her car was ahead of mine?

Utterly perplexed by her comment, I took a deep breath and asked if she’d seen me both times before she nearly hit me. She scoffed and basically said that was irrelevant, though she didn’t say it quite so nicely.

Now had it just been the one delusional woman confronting me, I wouldn’t have been so rattled, but then another woman blocked the rear of my car with hers and began yelling at me, telling me that I was crazy.

What? Since when is Wednesday the day they let crazies out of the institutions?

My brain did a momentary stall out from which I recovered quickly. Looking from one woman to the next and then at the small girl sitting in the front seat of the car that had cut me off, I decided enough was enough and did what I’m sure derailed all of them. I bid them farewell and left them to work it out amongst their crazy selves.

Ah, yes, dealing with bad drivers is bad enough, but when they’re also delusional and confrontational, that’s when I make a speedy exit.

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