Monday, September 27, 2010

There are people in this world who just don’t get it. Lack the ability to step outside their own self-absorbed bubbles long enough to actually make contact with another. Instead, with today’s technology, they take what they’ve always done, stalk people from afar, and have turned it into some sort of perverse game—always a game with them—never reality.

These sad individuals are utterly incapable of maintaining any meaningful relationships of their own, so what they do is have fantasy associations, believing that the things they read about those they’re stalking give them some form of entitlement to that person. Somehow connect them.

Nothing could be farther from the truth!

There are those of us who are honest, sincere and raw about whom we are in the hopes that we might enlighten, impart some of our gained knowledge or let others know that they are not alone in dealing with the curveballs life throws them.

We do not, and I repeat DO NOT share so that sick stalkers can claim to know us. Be a part of our lives. Have the slightest idea what it would mean to have a relationship with us.

It’s one thing to actively and honestly reach out like a mature adult. To take the steps necessary to try to connect with a person. But to hide behind anonymity, thinking no one will notice…. Wow, shows how cowardly, naive and immature that person is. How once again, they, incapable of having any meaningful relationships of their own, attempt to claim attachment to something that another has worked hard for all in the name of trying to maintain the faltering façade that they are normal.

And how very sad that the fake image they’ve cloaked themselves in the entirety of their lives has fooled not a single person, being oh, so transparent. Just think. If they applied even half the effort required to maintain that fake front, they would have a real shot at forming meaningful relationships of their own. But, no, instead they resort to the things they know best: dishonesty, manipulation, a sense of self-entitlement and an arrogance that reeks from a mile away. And this they do while stalking another.

Sick! How very warped and twisted.

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