Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pushing my boundaries. Breaking down barriers. Educating myself to a better existence. These are the things that I endeavor to accomplish.

Not that it’s easy. Or even identifiable at times—the things that I need to work on. But sitting around complacent when there’s so much that can be done seems like a senseless waste of what time I have.

I’m a person who thrives off of challenges. And the ones I enjoy the most involve personal growth, for I believe that we are a constant work in progress. That the day we stop evolving will be our last. And frankly, I’m not ready to call it quits. So I am on a constant mission to identify ways in which I can improve upon myself.

Many are content to live their lives the way they are, not changing a thing. Now, I’m not here to say if that’s right or wrong, just that it’s not for me.

I like to recognize the parameters in which I live and push those boundaries from time to time. And if there are things that are holding me back: hang ups, fears, etc., I pull them into the daylight, kicking and screaming, and seek to eradicate the hold they have over me, not wanting to be beholden to anything that might get in the way of self-improvement.

By doing these things on a consistent basis, I am on a never-ending journey to educate myself to a better existence. One where I’m more enlightened. More fulfilled. More balanced. More in control of how things affect me, and how I react to such. And for me, that’s comforting.

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