Sunday, September 19, 2010

Enlightenment. The thing that drives me. Compels me to be better. Reach further. Take time to recognize the simplicities the world places in my path. Those things that if noticed, have the potential to reshape the way one views their surroundings. The world. People who enter their lives. And above all, their outlook on all of this.

So where do I get my enlightenment? By nature, I’m a person who most values the simple things. As such, watching the way a candle flames flickers and dances, bending away from and then towards something near or a draft of air, teaches me that I, too, need to have a flexible spirit if I am to get the most out of life.

Aged trees teach me so much about people. Though they age and bend with time, their core remains strong if it has been taken care of. And their contribution worth increases tenfold over time. They can offer shelter, sanctuary and a respite from life’s constant churn of happenings.

The weather. Wow! What a fickle yet crafty teacher who is demanding in her expectations for folks to pay close attention to detail. For, just like being caught off guard in a sweltering heat wave or trapped unaware of a storm’s potential viciousness, with meticulous attention given to details, many of those hardships can be avoided, or certainly minimized just as with our daily lives and how we organize ourselves.

All around us, we are surrounded with a plethora of things can serve as our teachers. Guides. Enlightenment. It’s up to us to decide whether or not we’re willing to take advantage of what’s been given to us.

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