Friday, April 22, 2011

One of the things my youngest son and I get a kick out of is viewing pictures of baby animals.  Not any specific species, any and all will do.  On some of our weekly dates with one another, we’ll pull up “cutest baby animal” photos from the Internet, oooing and ahhhing over them.  And frankly, there’s something irresistible about listening to a high school boy squealing with delight as he gushes over how cute a baby animal is.
I’ve done this same thing with friends and lo and behold, they have the same reactions.  The normally in control adults turn into instant piles of emotional goo, smiling and ogling over all the adorable baby animals. 
Of course, not all the images are cute to the point of making the viewer want to cuddle the baby, but the majority, yeah, they’re enough to make most hearts melt.  So why is that?  Why is it that folks just fall to pieces head over heels in love with baby animals?  Their cuteness?  Cuddle factor?  I’d say that most, when viewing pictures of baby animals resort to talking as if they’re interacting with a human infant—baby talk flows and nonsensical sentences replace once recognizable speech. 
If you haven’t taken the opportunity to glimpse some of the photos I’m referring to, here’s your chance.  Simply click on the following link.
I defy you to make it halfway through viewing them without oooing and ahhhing at least a few times.

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