Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is it with those who use others? Of late, I have several friends who are embroiled in messes where their kind hearts, good will and generosity have been so blatantly misused as to be beyond insulting.
Speaking with one of my friends, who are being used, earlier this evening, I asked aloud how users live with themselves? If they have consciences? Do they feel guilt? Or that they’re using? Or do they feel some sense of entitlement, like the world itself owes them?

My next questions stemmed from, what would the world owe one who leaves a trail of despair, usage and hurt in their wake? The world and none in it owes these people—anything. In fact, I believe it’s up to us to band together and stop others from using folks. Or at the very least, we need to make it as much of a challenge as possible for them to do so.

I find it a travesty that folks, good-hearted, hard-working individuals, end up having to second guess if they should help others, having been so burned by users. It makes my blood boil when I hear of how some are capable of near destroying those who go out on a limb to show them generosity. Who do they think they are? What gives them the right? Why don’t they find fault with their abusive actions?

I don’t get it. I honestly don’t get how folks can use one another in this manner. And as I told my friend earlier tonight, I’m beyond grateful that I’m not wired to be a user. Thank you, no! I’d rather work my rear off and have nothing than to take advantage of the generosity of another.

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