Saturday, April 16, 2011

I’ve dedicated this site to positive material, interactions and philosophies.  Why?  Because frankly, I wanted there to be a place in the world where one could count on there always being something positive.
Not sure about the rest of you, but I can take a lot…an awful lot…but…what gets to me faster than anything is negativity.  Also, those who act the fun sponge in life, sucking any and all enthusiasm out of a situation. 
Recently, I’ve found myself in a multitude of unrelated situations such as these.  When I awoke this morning, after my normal amount of sleep, I felt as if I hadn’t slept at all.  Why, cause as each day that passes with this negativity—the stuff I’ve been trying to shake off but is clinging tight—surrounding me, I get more and more worn down until now, I’m literally exhausted. 
Why is that?  Why is negativity, or more accurately, trying to not have it affect us, soooo overwhelming?  Why does it leach the energy from us, leaving us feeling hollow inside? 
I’m not complaining or implying that I’m going through any more than others endure, for I know…we all have “stuff” to deal with.  That’s part of life.  I’m just expressing some thoughts in the hopes that it will make things seem…clearer to me.  That perhaps writing about this will help lighten some of the heavy load I’m feeling, ya know, like how it helps to talk about things that are troubling one’s self.  And if anyone has their two cents worth that they’d like to add, then by all means, comment away.  J
There are those who feel compelled to walk around with a dark could over their head, and in doing so, they try to drag others into their drama.  Me…that’s not how I live my life.  Not saying the off-cast negativity from others doesn’t affect me.  It does, as I’ve mentioned here.  I just wish others didn’t feel the need to cast their dark clouds wherever they go.

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