Monday, April 4, 2011

Earlier, I had a rather in depth thought-provoking conversation with a dear friend. The two of us tend to do that with one another. But I digress. During the course of our conversation, my friend pointed out how: thoughts create intent, which create actions that ultimately lead to creating life.

I agreed with him, wholeheartedly. Then he shared how he believes that the lack of perceptive thought is what makes people average instead of being more intellectual. I again agreed, adding how I think that’s a big part of what makes people complacent.

We spoke for a bit longer, expanding on this subject—there really are so many directions one can go with it. Finally, we landed on how it’s neglect to leave one’s thoughts vacant. The translation to this would be: it’s a terrible thing to waste one’s mind.

So back to the original thought seed. Thoughts create intent, which create actions that ultimately lead to creating life. In short, my friend and I believe this means that unless one has thoughts, which they’re willing to act upon, then they’ll have no viable sense of a life, for then they’re merely going through the motions of living, instead of understanding on a deeper level.

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