Sunday, April 3, 2011

I always find it a tad perplexing when, by the end of a weekend that’s been crammed full of stuff from beginning to end, I find myself feeling completely relaxed. Shouldn’t it be the other way around—me being wiped out from such a busy weekend?


I don’t always feel rejuvenated and relaxed after a hectic weekend. Perhaps the difference is that this weekend was full of really fun things I did—unique things. For example, coaxed by a girlfriend, I went to a belly dancing class yesterday where we sat on little cushions on the floor during the hour and a half long class! Though that was odd, it was really useful with being able to isolate the individual muscles we needed to pull off the moves the instructor showed us.

Yesterday was one of those days that was so crazy busy that I scarcely had time to get something to eat, much less then actually get the food in me. Leaving one lecture, my girlfriend and I had a short break that only allowed us to head to a 7-eleven to grab a sandwich (really quite palatable) and some coffee (okay, that wasn’t so great), before heading to our belly dancing class.

That’s how yesterday played out, one thing following another. In fact, that’s how my entire weekend went, beginning early Friday evening. But that’s okay. In fact, it’s even better, for today I feel happy, content and ready to tackle another full week!

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