Saturday, April 2, 2011

There are days when, despite my having a crammed full schedule, I find myself beyond grateful. Sitting on the sidelines of my son’s soccer game this morning, I kept gazing up at the sky, marveling over what a gorgeous day it was. And I was grateful for that.

Heading out after my son’s game, my mind flew over a list of things I had to get done, and the little time I had to do them. But I didn’t stress. Years ago, I would have. But I’ve learned to just dig in and plow through the things I have to do, taking moments here and there to look up and appreciate what’s around me, instead of isolating myself from the world with self-imposed blinders.

As I’m writing this, I keep glancing at the clock that’s ticking off the day way too fast, realizing that I’m running behind schedule. But that’s okay. I’ve made the necessary calls to help manage expectations and…things…well…they’ll play out however they’re going to. In the end, it’ll all be okay, for I will have gotten through my day without being all stressed, having taken the time to appreciate things surrounding me and without having a nasty mood that would have dumped unfair stress on those around me.

Yup, taking time to appreciate life and be grateful…that’s what I’m striving to do.

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