Monday, April 26, 2011

Fifty years ago, flying was a privilege, a rarity.  But then it became commonplace to the point that folks took it for granted.  Then came 9-11, and with it air travel became complicated.  Nowadays, by the time folks get on planes, most are stressed, and the last thing many do is take the time to appreciate what a joy flying can be. 
Take me for example.  Today, I flew from the west to the east coast.  I had to rise at three in the morning to get to my flight on time and then hurry up and wait at the airport after check in.  Like many, by the time I took my seat on the plane, I, too, was feeling a bit stressed, not to mention tired.  But things improved when I got the window seat.
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve loved looking out the windows of airplanes.  Seeing how the clouds we’re above sometime looks like pulled taffy, always makes my mouth water.  Or when the clouds are so thick and white like oversized cotton balls that they make me transform into that five-year old little girl who believed that if she jumped out of the plane, she’d have the most fun bouncing from one fluffy cloud to another.  Most of all, I’m fascinated when looking down at the lay of the land while flying.  How the topography of the land changes so radically.  Also, I’m intrigued to the point of not being able to take my eyes off the way individual parcels of land interconnect to create an intricate and oft convoluted patchwork quilt.
These are the things I looked at while flying today…when I wasn’t attempting to get some sleep.  Every once n a while, I’d pull my attention back to other passengers on the plane and was saddened though not too surprised to see that I was the only one glancing out the window with such glee.  Most others were attached to their electronic devices watching movies, etc. to take the time to appreciate what a joy flying can be.

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