Sunday, April 11, 2011

My friends and I had an intriguing conversation last Friday.  It was about being late.  Some of us believe that with being late, there are no exceptions.  But other friends shared that if the other person is also running late, and then the two folks being late sort of cancel one another out.
On the one hand, I can see their reasoning.  After all, if both parties are running behind schedule, then no one would get inconvenienced, so how could it be considered rude to have run late?  But on the other hand, late is late.  The person themselves knows and whether they’re willing to admit it or not, they were late.
I tumbled this idea around in my head and an interesting comparison came to mind about the saying that asks if a tree falls in the middle of the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound.  In my humble opinion, yes, it still made a sound.  Whether or not individuals were privy to it, well…that’s irrelevant. 
Some things we just have to have faith and trust in.  Following one’s inner voice, the one that cautions and scolds them, is kind of like that tree falling in the middle of the forest.  Why?  Because regardless of if others know you were late, you’ll know. 

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