Saturday, April 9, 2011

Usually, I’m a person who likes to have things planned out. Now, that doesn’t mean I won’t forego things on my to-do list should other opportunities present themselves, cause I do and have. Being a highly goal-oriented person, however, I need some sort of direction so I’ll know where I’m headed. This works best for me…most times….

But then there are occasions when I throw carful planning and thought out the window and dive in, with the greatest anticipation, to the unknown, unexpected and unplanned. That’s how my day and night unfurled yesterday. I’ve gotta say, that by the end, I was not only exhausted, but pleasantly surprised by discoveries I had along the way, connections I made and how darned good it felt to just go with the flow instead of following any preconceived outline.

Though my experience was a positive one yesterday, I don’t believe that maintaining that kind of outlook would serve me well over the long haul. Yes, it was great to switch things up for a day/night, for I believe that we all need to break out of our normal patterns from time-to-time. But honestly, for me, having at least some sort of agenda to follow is what works best.

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