Thursday, April 14, 2011

In my writing critique group the other night, I shared how I sometimes write blogs here to hone my writing skills while working on humor, profound thoughts or real-life stuff that the majority can relate to. I went on to say how grateful I am for the valuable feedback I get from those who make comments, for the opportunity it provides for me to know if I’ve hit my mark with my writing.
Using my blog to hone my writing skills is only part of why I write what I do here. The rest…well…it falls under the category of any and everything, which is pretty much what my mind is spinning on hyper speed with any given moment. For those who know me personally, they can attest to this as well as to the speed with which I speak, needing to get out all that is on my mind, even as more crowds it.
Some can keep up with me. Others, intimidated, slink away. Still more, stand in stunned silence, wondering how the heck I do “that.” And me…? Well, I take it all in stride, knowing nothing other than the way I am and how my particular brain works. And the creative side of me…that makes the rest of me appear as if I’m functioning at sloth speed.
Combining what comes most naturally to me, I let my mind run free with a myriad of thoughts and philosophies, allowing them to twist and turn themselves round and round in my mind, touching on first one subject and then another until in the end, what I end up with is a host of intricately interwoven subjects that seemingly shouldn’t fit together, but do.
In keeping with the way my mind works, what I regurgitate here in this blog is but a small glimpse, a miniscule sliver, of what’s parading around my mind. Yet, if one looks closely, they’ll see common threads that run amongst my random blogs that tie the seemingly disjointed thoughts, principles and realities together into something that makes people wonder….
The fact that my readers do wonder, that I’m able to evoke thirst in them…that’s a natural high for me. I get such a kick out of reading the comments folks make, some connecting with my thoughts, others perplexed by them, still others disagreeing entirely. It’s rewarding to see how my inner notions affect others and if how I’ve conveyed them through my writing has allowed me to hit my mark. And so, just as I expressed to my writing critique group, I will pause for a moment to express my gratitude for the part each of you plays in helping me hone my writing skills.

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