Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! I hope everyone, whether they celebrated or not, had a great weekend, a relaxing time and had a chance to slow things down enough to…just…breathe. (smiles)

It’s been a hectic past few weeks for me. Today, I’ve spent getting ready to head to the east coast at the crack of dawn tomorrow for the next week. Can’t wait to reunite with my girlfriend while there! We’ll have three full days all to ourselves to relax and catch up with one another before our friends begin arriving from all over the world.

Though I know my upcoming week will be super busy with me getting very little sleep, catching up with everyone, I’m soooo looking forward to being able to see my friends again, most of whom I haven’t seen in at least seven months! These are dear friends who’ve been beyond supportive of me, worrying over my surgery and coaching me through my recovery. As such, they can’t wait to actually lay eyes on me and see for themselves that I’m back to my old self, full of abundant energy and revving to go the long haul.

To me, I could care less what the weather will be like where we’ll be. Sure it would be great if it were nice so we could go outside and explore without freezing, but that’s not important. What does matter is that for seven glorious days, I’m going to be surrounded by a host of friends who matter the absolute most to me, and I can’t wait!

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