Saturday, April 30, 2011

Today has been all about friends—amazing, incredible friends.

This morning, I got some troubling news. Wasn’t exactly unexpected. Had sensed it for a while—a long while. But sometimes you’re able to fool yourself into believing one thing when reality is staring you in the face.

Anyhow, my girlfriend who I came to Atlantic City with earlier this week, proved a great listener—always is, but especially since we’ve been here. We know each other well. Know when something is wrong…or right. Don’t need to be told—just know. This morning, she did what we do best for one another…she listened.

A bit later, another close friend decided to stay by my side for a good portion of the day, sensing I needed the company—he was right. We strolled the Boardwalk, exploring the many shops, picking up little souvenirs for treasured friends who were on our minds.

We talked about life. How there are those who are intrinsically jealous. Neither of us understands nor are we jealous people. We spoke of our philosophies, likes, dislikes, relationships. I appreciate how my friends and I feel comfortable enough to share anything with one another, not worried that the other might be offended.

It felt good to spend quality time with those who mean the most to me. To know that we have the other’s back. While talking with my girlfriend earlier, I mentioned how I didn’t want to trouble her or infringe on her time. She looked me in the eye and said what I would have had she uttered those words to me. That she’s always there for me. That I never infringe on her time. That no matter what, she prioritizes me…our relationship…what we offer one another.

Seeing the look on her face and hearing the sincerity in her voice, I choked up, knowing that she meant what she said. It felt good to feel so loved. So valued. And the friend who walked the Boardwalk with me uttered the same sentiments later in the day….

Yeah…today has been all about friends—amazing, incredible friends who went the extra mile to not only put a smile back on my face but also infuse one in my heart

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