Friday, August 19, 2011

Just a friendly heads up to remind folks to take a look at Tuesday’s blog if they’re interested in contributing to the collaborative short story that was initiated there.

There are times when everything we know to be true seems to be in a state of flux.  When those who have surrounded us our whole life must depart.  When old wounds, too painful to reconcile manage to resolve themselves with the minutest act, one that wasn’t even seen as being on the horizon.  When long-awaited dreams come to fruition just as we were giving up hope.  When blocked thought processes begin to flow again with a magical fluidness.

For those who embrace change, this state of transition can be comforting even though it’s a bit disarming.  But for those who resist change, this can be a most unsettling time. 

Though I’m a person who embraces change, when too much of it or events that prove quite emotional arise, I feel overwhelmed.  At those moments, I take a deep breath—or several—and remind myself that I’ve been presented with an opportunity to grow.  So, instead of pulling completely away, I slide a tentative foot forward, willing to test the waters with which I now find myself facing.

Course, this may sound like it’s easy for me.  That I have no trouble shifting into the unknown even when I’m taxed in other areas.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Just like others, I struggle, but I refuse to let challenges get the better of me.  Suppose it’s my competitive nature that makes this so.  Whatever the reason, I’m glad for my willingness to proceed even when I want to dig in and stay where I am.  Why?  Because if I followed my urge to move forward, I would’ve missed many opportunities to evolve over the years.  So for me, the only way to go is forward.

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