Monday, August 1, 2011

There are times when a person gets run down.  Right now, that’s me.  Since yesterday, I haven’t had any energy.  All I want to do is sleep.  So, as much as has been practical, that’s what I’ve been doing. 
I’m not one to get headaches, but when I do, they drain the heck out of me.  I’ve had a raging headache for the past two days.  In addition, I’ve got a fever and other symptoms of being sick.  Not that this is special from what others experience.  We all get colds and run down.  Just didn’t want folks to think I’d forgotten them by skipping out on posting a blog.
So, seeing as I’ve shared, I hope you’ll understand and let me crawl back in bed to try to sleep this whatever off.  : -)

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