Saturday, August 6, 2011

I can’t believe that almost an entire year has passed!  Tomorrow our granddaughter will turn a year old.  Wow!  Where did the time go?

Throughout my life, there have been situations where I can’t imagine things being different than they are.  That’s the case with our granddaughter.  Though I do recall what it was like before she was born, what our lives entailed, I can’t imagine her not being the integral part of it she now is.

I suppose one would say that our granddaughter’s family isn’t the most traditional.  And that’s fine by us, for she’s certainly not lacking in love, attention, devotion or stimulation.  Each of us is as thrilled to see her daily as she is when she shoots us that beaming smile she’s mastered, the one that instantly melts your heart and makes you want to slow the world for a while.

We can learn so much from children.  Their tireless fascination with the world surrounding them.  Their innocence.  Their acceptance of things at face value.  Their innate ability to instinctually know when things are true or not.  But most of all, we can learn to see the world through their eyes, ones that seek out the pleasure…the positive…the good instead of dwelling on pain, negative and evil.

The past year has been a whirlwind, to be sure!  But I wouldn’t change any of it or the lessons I’ve learned as a result. 

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