Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here’s something I often wonder.  Why is it that folks are stingy when it comes to doling out compliments?  For example, when they see an attractive person walking down the street, instead of approaching that person and telling them so, they either keep it to themselves or share it with the person they’re with.  Or if someone passes by, wearing a cologne or perfume with an amazing fragrance, why won’t people take the time to comment on how pleasant it is.  Why must these things be treated as if they’re secrets or worse, as if they might be impositions if mentioned?

Those who know me are aware that I don’t shy away from handing out compliments and showering others with praise every chance I get.  When I greet a friend, it’s almost always with a tag of gorgeous or handsome attached.  And if I notice a person’s taken an extra effort to look good that day, I make a point to acknowledge such.  Why do I do these things?  Simple, because I love the instant smile it puts on the recipient’s face.  How they walk a little taller and appear to feel more confident due to my praise.

I have a friend who makes it a point to do something nice for a stranger each and every day.  Something as simple as telling them they have a nice smile will do.  I like this philosophy.  It’s one I adopt into my daily encounters as well.  Again, I do this because of the way it makes the recipient beam.  To have a perfect stranger take an extra moment to notice and then comment on something nice about them.

Handing out compliments costs us nothing and yet provides others with boundless wealth.  We shouldn’t treat compliments as if they’re an endangered species, hoarding them to ourselves, reluctant to let a few spill out every now and again.  Instead, it’s my wish that when folks see something that pleases them, they’ll take an extra moment or two and acknowledge it rather than passing by as if they didn’t notice.

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