Monday, August 15, 2011

So… I was wondering….  A long while back on this blog, I used to post the beginning of a short story, just a few sentences or a paragraph, and then I’d hand it over to you readers to add to the story for the remainder of the week.  At the end of the week, I’d edit together all that had been contributed and begin week two with the story put together as an easy read.  This process would continue for three weeks at which time, I’d then finish off the story myself and post it as a collaborative effort in my online magazine, Inspire Me Magazine. 

Back when, folks seemed to gain great satisfaction out of working together with others to create those cohesive stories.  The only reason I stopped that process here was because folks seemed to lose interest.  Stories would go days and then weeks without anyone adding to them.
So here’s what I’m wondering.  Would you readers like me to resume the collaborative writing of short stories we used to do here?  Or is that something whose season has come and gone?

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