Thursday, August 18, 2011

Some days, I’m overflowing with ideas eager to place themselves on the page as a blog.  Other days, such as today, although there are a host of concepts rattling around my head, they’re so jumbled and bumping into one another as to make little sense.  That seems to be the case when a lot’s going on. 

Although ideas and concepts are always just within my reach, it’s when I’m busiest, not feeling well or the most taxed that those ideas have trouble manifesting themselves into something one might consider legible instead of a regurgitated mess that spews itself all over the place. 
So why do I share this?  Because it’s on my mind.  Do I think it sets me apart from others?  Heck no!  Other folks go through just as much as I do—some even more.  As such, I figured many might connect with my current scrambled brain syndrome.

The ironic thing is, I’m not the least bit worried about my current state.  I know it’ll pass just as soon as things calm down.  Once it does, I’ll be back to downloading the profound thoughts that bobble around my head into my blogs.  But for now, I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride.

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