Monday, January 16, 2012

I find it ironic how when we’re faced with meeting someone who’s calm and matter-of-fact about stressful situations some react with hesitancy, as if they can’t believe that being calm, cool and in control is the best way to handle situations.  I believe this mindset is reinforced by media force-feeding us the mentality that the only way to live one’s life is within a swirling cesspool of drama.  That unless folks act ill-behaved and have that sensationalized, then one can’t be truly happy.

What a shame!  

When reality shows first presented themselves, I didn’t believe they’d last.  I thought folks would become disgusted with the portrayal of ill-mannered, ill-behaved, childish individuals acting out.  But I was wrong!  Not only have those shows lasted, but they’ve created a boom of similar ones that focus as much, if not more, on negative behaviors that most of us would cringe at displaying much less have splashed across the media for all to see.  And then…the fact that viewers have elevated those ill-behaved, ill-mannered individuals to the status of celebrity….

Geez, where did things get so mixed up?  At which point did society embrace the concept of drama being divine over in control being ideal?  I feel today’s youth is being dealt a bum wrap, one where balance is replaced with shameful levels of chaos.

Wherever we look: radio, TV, Internet, our minds are saturated with the concept that the more one acts out, the more entertaining they are.  That folks who are void of self-control are to be revered.  So back to my original statement that I find it ironic how when we’re faced with meeting someone who’s calm and matter-of-fact about stressful situations some react with hesitancy, as if they can’t believe that being calm, cool and in control is the best way to handle situations.

Until society bands together and makes a stand to ignore ill-behaved individuals rather than giving them the attention they crave, our perception of what’s best versus what’s to be avoided will remain askew causing us to react with hesitancy towards those who demonstrate a firm grasp on acting calm, cool and in control.

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