Monday, January 23, 2012

I’ve always found it fascinating how everything has cyclical seasons.  When it rains, it may pour for what seems like forever.  But then a crack of brilliant sunlight peaks through the ominous grey clouds, promising an end to the rain.  Seasons are cyclical.  

Winter….spring….summer…fall….  Seems that just about the time we’d rather stop experiencing one season, another steps in to replace it, offering some variety.  Illnesses can be cyclical.  First comes whatever it was that made the person slow down.  Then there’s a period that can seem to drag on into eternity before there’s a turn for the better.  Some relationships are cyclical, coming to an end once their purpose has been served.  Others last a lifetime, yet those, too, fall into the cyclical category, for when one dies, so too do any and all relationships the person was in.

So why do I bring this up?  Why am I stating the obvious?  Simple.  It’s easy to forget that everything has cyclical seasons.  As such, when one finds him or herself experiencing something they’d rather not, it’s good to take a deep breath, exhale and remember…this too will pass as another “season” is heralded in.

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