Wednesday, January 11, 2012

There are times when we feel an inevitable loss of control is in our future.  Currently, I’m working with a friend who’s having a hard time.  One of the things I’ve shared—a good coping skill—is something I, myself, have always done. 

I journal.  Each and every day, I take out my pen and scribe three pages in my bound notebook. The writing I do there isn’t neat and would probably not make much sense to anyone who opted to read it.  But to me, it makes perfect sense.   And this is what I told my friend.

The fact that person’s aware a possible crash is coming is a good thing, for they’re not helpless.  They needn’t sit back and wait for it to happen.  This is a great reason to journal all the rambling thoughts tumbling their way round your head.  Doing so helps mitigate problems before they grab hold, shaking you in their jaws like a rabid dog might.  By expressing your feelings, either in journal form or to others, a person takes the wind out of life’s troubling sails, thus gaining back control they felt might be slipping away.  Journaling is one’s exclusive time and place to unload all they're thinking, feeling and experiencing in a healthy manner.  So, just as I do myself, I encourage others to vomit up their thoughts on handwritten pages to lessen their hold and better help sort them out.

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