Tuesday, January 3, 2012

There are times when life throws us curveballs.  Some we manage to connect with when we swing.  Others slip by us, frustrating us in the process.  Still more ring with such irony that we’re left wondering if we should laugh or cry. 

I believe that curveballs are as inherent as the intrinsic oxygen we breathe.  Some of those “breathes” are cleansing in how they release us.  Others weigh heavily upon our hearts, while still more manage to elevate our determination to persevere.

Though our lives are regularly adorned with curveballs, for some reason, I believe it’s the ones that hit at the beginning of a New Year that tend to stand out more.  Doesn’t mean they’re any more significant than others, only that their appearance at the beginning of a New Year seems to mark more of an impression than others.  Least that’s how it is for me.  I wonder if that has anything to do with how I begin each New Year with the mentality as if starting afresh—no past baggage weighing me down, only the hopes and dreams of the future illuminating my vision….

Curveballs….  We can’t avoid them.  Dodge and learn how to deal effectively with them…yes.  The sooner we accept this, the sooner we’ll be prepared for the unexpected.

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