Monday, January 30, 2012

As a writer, one of the things I enjoy most is to get people to think when they read what I scribe.  Whether that’s breaking down stereotypes, figuring ways to better one’s self or more efficient coping skills with all life tosses one’s way, if I can get folks to stop and ponder the possibilities, then I believe I’ve succeeded.

Of course, there are times when readers disagree, refuse to have an open mind or just don’t have a clue what I’m trying to express.  Some might think this would frustrate me.  It doesn’t, for I recognize that there’s vast diversity in how folks think and act.

I applaud that diversity.  Whether or not it mirrors my own beliefs is irrelevant.  What is important is that I offer respect to let others maintain their own thoughts about things instead of trying to mold everyone into a “mini me.”

Hopefully folks “get” that when I write, I’m simply offering suggestions of things that might be or a variety of ways to think about things.  Folks are free to take what I offer or not—simple as that.  But either way, if I get them to stop and ponder the possibilities…if only for a moment or two, then that makes my day.

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