Monday, January 2, 2012

Well, it’s official.   2012 is finally here.  Whether folks were ready nor not, it’s arrived.  For some, that may have been with a big celebration.   Others may have opted to keep things more subdued.  However individuals chose to ring in the New Year, one thing’s for certain, it’s here and no doubt people have allowed their minds to meander the possibilities of what this new year might bring with it.

Yesterday, I wrote how the ringing in of the New Year is a time when I reflect and prepare for challenges that are to come.  I was remiss in mentioning the joyful surprises a new year can herald in with it.  How they can lift a person’s spirit and be the respites needed in between trials that may arise. 

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we’ll likely be faced with experiences we’d rather forego.  But as I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, I like to think of those as opportunities to grow and expand one’s personal horizons beyond what they thought possible.  Additionally, I view the joys along life’s journey as what provide resilience to make it through whatever life tosses my way.

Whether I’m struggling or soaring high on one of life’s finer moments, my aim is always to remain as positive as I can.  Why?  Because I’ve learned that’s what makes life run smoother. 
It’s not often that we can change what is meant to come.  Alter its course…?  Possibly.  As such, I adopt the mentality to take a leap of faith off of life’s more major cliffs.  Usually, I’m not sure if there’ll be a cushion to break my fall.  And in all honesty, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  For to wait to ensure that everything is lined up exactly as I think it should go might mean I’ll miss some other opportunity—one I hadn’t considered. 

So, in keeping with my philosophy, I’m gonna embrace 2012 with great enthusiasm.  Some of her mysteries have already shown themselves to me.  Others I’ll experience likely with little warning.  But rest assured, whatever 2012 has in store for me, I intend to approach it as I do all things—with my head held high, an open mind and a genuine spirit that embraces all things positive.

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