Sunday, February 27, 2012

I’ve blogged before about change.  How it’s better to acknowledge and embrace it rather than fight it.  But this isn’t always easy, for change can disrupt threaten the status quo and make a person feel insecure.  One way to overcome this is to view change with a more positive outlook.

Instead of seeing change as the enemy, something that should be feared and avoided at all costs, if one accepts change as a positive thing, one where discovery and self-growth can occur, then half the battle against change is won.  Conversely, if a person tightens up, clenches their jaw and resists change with all their might, then change will likely overwhelm, intimidate and possibly even paralyze a person from being able to productively function. 

In life, one thing’s for certain.  Change will occur. Whether we welcome it or not, are prepared or not, change will find ways to infuse itself into the innermost linings of our life structures.  Seeing as this is a given, doesn’t it make more sense to embrace rather than expend inordinate amounts of wasted energy fighting change?

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