Wednesday, February 15, 2012

There are days when living in southern California truly stinks!  Today was one of those. 
Though I only had a little over an hour drive to get home after having been away, that simple little drive took me more than four hours, crawling along at an average speed of 6mph! 

I swear I saw several snails along with one sloth pass me.  LOL.

It’s at times like those that I feel like screaming out my frustration.  I mean really, it’s not like there was a single car accident.  The only trouble seemed to be a light drizzle that rendered the majority of drivers incapable of navigating their cars along the freeways.

Good grief!  It’s only a little rain….

Not that I would’ve wished an accident on anyone, but it would’ve been nice to see some explanation for the sluggish traffic that caused the freeways to become virtual parking lots.  Seriously, it’s not like I was attempting to drive through a blizzard or pre-hurricane winds or anything even close.  Just a slight drizzle.  Tiny raindrops that barely made a splash when they hit the windshield.

I understand that we need to be more cautious, driving in the rain.  The dampness allows spilled automobile oil to rise to the surface of the streets, making them extra slick.  But really…averaging 6mph…that’s just insane—even for southern California drivers.

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