Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

This holiday has always held a special place in my heart, for it’s when I get to acknowledge all those who mean the world to me.  Those without whose love and support I wouldn’t be the person I am. 

Growing up, this holiday held additional special meaning, for it followed my birthday by one day.  When I was little, I always enjoyed how this afforded me the opportunity to give back to those who had just honored my special day.

When I became a mother, Valentine’s Day again became profound when my youngest daughter was born the day after.  Ironically, she and I were both due to be born on Valentine’s Day itself.  And…both of us entered the world in the same mixed up birthing position that had we not been switched around, would’ve caused us to break our necks during delivery.  I find it especially ironic that daughter looks like a mini me and has always provided me with the greatest sense of humor when I see her doing things that mimic my behavior—especially my less-than-better ones.

Five years after the birth of that daughter, my youngest son was born a few days prior to Valentine’s Day.  This event again marked, at least for me, that the holiday overflows with love and things for which we should be grateful and show appreciation.

As time flows along, I continue to be impressed by the many things I hold near and dear to my heart that surround Valentine’s Day.  Yes, the greeting card companies have commercialized the heck out of the holiday, but I don’t let that spoil how special Valentine’s Day and the days leading up to and following are to me.   After all, some of the events I am most grateful for take place during the week of Valentine’s Day.  And to me, that’s cause enough to celebrate.

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