Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A couple of years back, I wrote a series of blogs on the behind-the-scenes process to getting my manuscripts published.  Part of that series included the type of drive required to pull it off.
Like running marathons, seeing a manuscript to publication can seem a daunting task.  There are known obstacles one must overcome, and aware of these, can prepare for.  Others blindside the author or get them so bogged down in the “business” end of the process as to make one want to give up and just go back to writing, no matter if what they’ve scribed ever gets published.

Stamina…focus…intestinal fortitude…. These are the key elements one needs, in today’s competitive world, to get a manuscript published.  It’s not enough to be a good writer.  Getting the thoughts down on paper is only a small portion of the uphill climb to being able to flip through the pages of one’s manuscript once it’s been transformed into an actual book.
Tune in tomorrow for a continued glimpse into what kind of drive and perseverance it takes to get one or more books published.

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