Friday, May 28, 2010

Yesterday, I wrote of my technology woes. The final score was technology: 2, me: 3. Foolishly, I’d been led into a false sense of having won. Today has shown me the error of that thinking.

As I write this, I’m sitting in the café section of the Borders where I just did my book signing last weekend. Why, you ask? Well, that’s simple. My Internet is still nonfunctioning. And, although the charming company that provides me said lack of service had assured me yesterday that someone would be contacting me “first thing” this morning to have a technician come out and fix the problem, I’ve heard nothing. And this is the “service” they provide when they’ve listed my problem as an “emergency” on their paperwork.


Anyhow, not wanting another day to go by without being able to upload my blogs, here I sit in the Borders Café about to send yesterday’s and today’s blog entries to my Webmaster so that he can upload them.

He has Internet capabilities.

Not sure how things will play out over the weekend. If my Internet will be restored, or if I’ll end up residing at the Borders Café to get my blogs launched. One way or another, I will manage to keep my blogs going.

So, without my Internet working, the score now stands at technology: 3, me: 4.

Stay tuned….

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