Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I was looking at a fortune today. You know, one of those little tabs of paper that come out of a cookie. Some of them are goofy, but a good many have profound philosophies and thoughts interwoven in their seemingly simplistic words. My fortune said, “Be prepared to receive something special.”

How nice! I do like special things.

But then I got to thinking. How does one go about preparing to receive something special? Doesn’t it just happen? Or does one need to prepare themselves mentally, spiritually and possibly even physically?

As I pondered the concept more, I began to lean towards the need for one to actually make a conscious effort to receive something special. I mean think about it. If a person is in a foul mood or has adopted a doom-and-gloom attitude, are they in the best place to even recognize if something good comes their way? Or are they so focused on negativity that anything positive simply passes them by utterly unnoticed?

I seem to have stumbled onto something. Perhaps it’s even profound. (See, this is why one should read the fortune before eating the cookie. That way, they’ll have the cookie to offer them sustenance to thoroughly digest the words of the fortune.) Anyhow, I’m digressing. Back to the subject.

It would make sense that if one is walking around with a dark cloud of despair looming over their head, everything they come in contact with will end up with a dark edge to it. But, if on the other hand, they have adopted a sunnier disposition, one where they’re willing to seek out the positive in things, they will be more in tune with recognizing the snippets of good that come their way.

So let’s go back to the tab of paper in my fortune cookie that said, “Be prepared to receive something special.” If what I’ve surmised is accurate, then my positive attitude will serve me in being aware when something special comes my way.


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