Thursday, May 20, 2010

Unlike yesterday when I was out and about, getting attacked by creepy homeless men, today found me holed up in my office all day writing the first half of a short story that will go into an anthology I’m working on. As the hours passed, I looked up every so often and gazed out the window, admiring how pretty the day was, wishing I could break away to go for a run.

The hours slipped away with me sitting at my desk. Not that I didn’t enjoy writing. I did. Been taking opportunities whenever possible to work on this anthology. But the day was gorgeous and calling me to come outside. The bad thing about writing on a laptop is that ambient daylight puts such a glare on my computer screen that I can’t see what I’ve written, thus my need to stay indoors. Anyhow, I was thrilled with how far I got with the story.

But I was racing against the clock, as I needed to take our youngest son to his soccer team’s end of the season party. Had to be there by 6:00 PM. I managed to get to a good breaking point in the story just in time to take my son. By the time the party ended, it was 8:30 PM, and I wasn’t looking forward to having to go to the gym to use the treadmill.

But when I got home, I was met with a pleasant surprise. My husband was just heading out for a run. I was going to join him, but then our oldest daughter asked if she could go walking with us—she’s not a runner. I told her, “Sure!” and the three of us headed out.

Although bright sunny skies didn’t shine over us, we did have the opportunity to walk under a half moon, shining bright, and a gazillion stars. Where we live is considered rural, and no one is allowed to have bright outdoor lights in their front yards. Also, the streetlights are few and far between and are only fog lamps. The reason for these regulations is so that residents can experience a feeling of being in the middle of nowhere and actually see the brightness of the stars. I must admit, it is pretty amazing—all those stars.

So although I’d originally planned to go for a run by myself during the day, having the opportunity to walk with my husband and oldest daughter was even better. Had the rare opportunity to catch up with one another and share stories of our mishap hiking adventures, etc. with one another.

Always fun to spend time together!

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