Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today was a great day!

I finalized the plans for the first book signing of Little Girl Lost! You’ve all been so very patient with my getting to the point of setting that up. And I thank you. Now for the information many have been waiting to hear. My first book signing will be on Saturday, May 22, 2010 from 12:30-2:30 PM. It will take place at Borders Bookstore, located at 5055 Plaza Lane, Montclair, CA 91763. Copies of Little Girl Lost will be available for sale from in the store. I will be signing copies sold there and ones that folks bring in. If this signing goes well, there will be more at other Borders Bookstores here in California and throughout the United States. So, please, spread the word and stop by.

In addition, the second book in the Little Girl Lost TrilogyDark Awakenings—officially began its final leg to publication today! My best guess is that it will be available this summer—2010. As soon as a release month is known, I’ll announce it here. Copies of Dark Awakenings will be available wherever you can purchase Little Girl Lost. In addition, more locations from which to purchase electronic versions of both books will be available by then, and I’ll post that information as it becomes available.

And…since great things tend to happen in threes, I’ll add that my youngest son, who begins high school in the fall, went in for his callback interview with the co-editors of the high school’s yearbook! The co-editors were impressed with his writing and computer abilities, not to mention his aptitude to articulate. This has been a long process for my son, and is something he not only wants but also is quite qualified to handle, having worked for my E-zine as a contributing writer for over a year now. Keep your fingers crossed….

Yes, today was a great day for at least a couple of the writers in the Hanna family!

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