Thursday, May 13, 2010

Completion is one of those things that seems so elementary yet is infused with complexities. For some, completing a thought is a challenge. Others can’t seem to finish a task. And still more find that setting a goal is easy but seeing it to fruition is beyond their capabilities.

Why is this? Most times, completion of an endeavor yields a new beginning that’s better than the old. Perhaps that’s the problem. People are inherently opposed to change. And completion cannot be achieved without undergoing change. Change of one’s Self. Mindset. Behavior.

So I guess people get stuck. Like a caterpillar, trapped in its chrysalis, they’re unable to break free of the obstructions holding them back in order to emerge better. Stronger. Balanced.

What makes it possible for some to reach completion while others remain stagnant? Do they resolve to clear away the old, which in turn releases tension and uncertainty, freeing them to move forward? Do they possess more of a willingness to separate themselves from past behaviors and traits that they’ve outgrown? Or are they simply more capable of completing a thought?

Perhaps the ones that stay stuck are fearful of what moving forward or completing a thought might involve. Where it might lead them. Movement/change can evoke a sense of being in danger. But that same movement/change may be exactly what’s necessary to carry one out of danger.

Completion. In order to achieve it, one must be centered, grounded and determined to see things through. One of the best ways to do this is to free one’s self of unwanted outside influences. Now is not the time to be swayed by what others think. Instead, one should turn inward. They should consider what it is they want to complete and be prepared to allow nothing, including themselves, to derail their objective. Adopting this mentality will provide one with the calm certainty required to reach completion.

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