Sunday, May 30, 2010

This evening, I went to see Star Wars in Concert. For those not in the know, it is a performance by an eighty-plus member live orchestra that accompanies synchronized footage from all the Star Wars movies. In addition, there are occasional laser light shows, just for added effect.

I admit that I’m not a Star Wars fanatic. Though I’m not judging those who do, I never quite understood the whole making it a part of one’s lifestyle thing. But along with millions of other individuals, I have long-appreciated the graphic elements of the series, not to mention marveled at the ahead-of-their time special effects that still hold up today. In addition, I’ve enjoyed the complex storyline—kept me guessing and entertained.

So, having the opportunity to see and orchestral performance of Star Wars was something I was intrigued by. Especially since I’ve enjoyed attending orchestral performances of other movie greats over the years.

The British actor Anthony Daniels, whose unmistakable voice charmed the masses as C-3PO, hosted the event. Though his presentation did get a little corny. Seems he wanted to maintain the dramatic flavor of Star Wars as he narrated the storyline. But in doing, so, he took things a little too far, and his dramatic delivery quickly turned comic relief. Not all of it, but a good portion. Oddly, that was fine. In fact, it lent itself to the overall nostalgic flavor of the event, and I found I thoroughly enjoyed getting lost in space and time for a bit, listening to the classic Star Wars music and watching the selected clips that accompanied it.

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