Tuesday, may 18, 2010

Have spent a good portion of yesterday and today sending and being sent documents to/from my publisher and proofer in final preparation of Dark Awakenings going to print. This time round, I feel less out of my element than I did while going through the same procedure with Little Girl Lost. I can more easily understand the publishing process on a level beyond an intellectual one, having gone through it before.

But, there’s one part that gets me each time. And today I received an email from my publisher that triggered that reaction. It contained the formatted version of Dark Awakenings up to and including chapter one.

Although I’ve worked up close and personal with the manuscript through the writing, rewriting, editing and proofing phases, I’m still in awe when I click on the file from my publisher and there, before my eyes on my computer screen, is the exact layout of how the book will appear in printed form.

I must admit that seeing the chapters formatted is pretty cool. But the page that stops and makes me sit back in my chair is the title page. Next to seeing the finalized cover image of the book, this is what has the biggest impact on me. Looking at it, my brain stalls out and all I can think is, wow, that’s awesome!!!

That’s where I was today. Lost in a blissful haven of two books in the trilogy down, one to go. Not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but I conceptualized this trilogy when I was seventeen years old. Can’t tell you how rewarding it is to see it to fruition.

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