Monday, May 24, 2010

A reader commented that it was a rarity to have the opportunity to view behind-the-scenes of the writing, publication and promoting process. I couldn’t agree more. In fact, when I got into writing, I now realize I was clueless to the whole process. Well, other than that I knew I had to write.

But how to get my written word out there, what went into preparing it, who to contact, how to get it polished and then what would come once it was accepted, those parts were a mystery to me.

Ironically, I think I was in good company. Oh, sure, there are tons of books out there that “tell” you what to expect. But honestly, that’s like a first-time mother reading up on what it will be like to deliver. And we all know how everything one reads beforehand goes right out the window with that first labor pain.

The whole taking one’s writing across the finish line to being published and beyond is quite similar to the first contraction of a new mom. One could have done all the research in the world and think they’re prepared, but as soon as they get that call, email or letter telling them that their work’s been accepted, their brain basically melts on itself, overwhelmed by a litany of emotions and uncertainties.

At least, that’s how it was for me. I distinctly recall sitting there, staring at my computer screen, unable to process the words displayed that told me my manuscript had been accepted. That, in fact, the entire Little Girl Lost Trilogy had been accepted based solely on the first book.

And everything I’d experienced up until that point: the long hours, the bleary eyes that didn’t want to focus, having stared at a computer screen too long, the search for just the right word or phrase to sum up my characters’ thoughts or portray what I wanted the reader to gain from my story, all that fell by the wayside to be replaced by a whole new series of hoops and hurdles I’d have to navigate if I was determined to see my work to publication.

And oh what a ride that first publication process was! Now don’t get me wrong. I adore my publisher and am beyond grateful that he’s so marvelous to work with. But my expectations of how things should go…wow, I didn’t have a clue. How could I? Like that new mother and her first labor pain, I had never before actually undergone the publishing process despite having researched it heavily.

And that’s when I got an idea. I realized that what I was experiencing was what others might find interesting or entertaining or even amusing. Heaven knows, there were times when I found all three to be true. So I endeavored to shed light on the behind-the-scenes process of what it felt like to traverse the waters I found myself treading.

Who knows, perhaps one day I’ll put all I’ve written about my publication process together into a book. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy vicariously living it through my writings.

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