Monday, August 30, 2010

Ever notice how if there’s something that really appeals to you—that which you can’t imagine not being an integral part of you—you manage to find a way to incorporate it into your life? How, despite your schedule being crammed full to the point you wonder how you’ll have time enough to eat or much less sleep, you somehow find a way to integrate that whatever-it-is into the fabric of your being?

I’ve always been of the mind that the more a person does, the more they are capable of, meaning, heap another helping of tasks or desires to be completed on their plate, and they’ll find a way to do them. They can, that is, if they don’t waste precious time complaining about how they are going to get the things done. And if they are willing to acknowledge the things that are important to them, making them priorities.

This theory I’ve put into practice more than ever this year, striving to accomplish all my tasks, seek new ways to better myself as a person and identify my goals and desires, doing whatever it takes to prioritize them. Personally, though many might find this approach exhausting, I find it to be my personal fountain of youth, especially the latter, for I believe that by acknowledging and serving my needs, I am rejuvenated, allowing me to better serve those around me. And in the end, this allows me to be more productive.

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