Tuesday, August 3, 2010

There are times in life when one finds themselves seriously questioning why some things happen, for they make no rhyme or reason. In fact, they seem to go against everything we believe should be, not to mention the things we want to be. And when those things happen to someone we love that is enfolded into our family, it’s excruciating to have to sit back and watch events play out, unable to influence or stop them.

But we’re not completely powerless in these situations. It’s at these times that I have the strongest urge to drop everything so I can focus all my attention on the one in need, wanting to make them feel better while allowing them the space they need to heal. And that right there—allowing them the time and space they need to heal—is the key.

Since arriving in Arizona, one member of our family here is hurting—seriously hurting, having been dealt one of life’s cruel devastating blows. Those of us who are here have rallied around them and will continue to be there in whatever capacity is needed. That may be just to keep them company. To listen. To help them forget. To make them laugh.

Whatever is needed, we’ll be there…that’s what family does—looks out for one another.

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