Thursday, August 5, 2010

Soooo…not sure about the rest of you, but I’ve always wondered if it’s possible to cook an egg on a hot sidewalk. Well, today that mystery was solved when my two daughters and I returned to my one daughter’s place.

This year, we’ve rented an apartment for her and two other girls to live in off-campus. She’s thrilled since, as a senior, this will be the first time she’s not dwelling in campus housing. Though most students won’t be moving into the apartments until the beginning of next week, many, like out daughter, have opted to beat the rush and move in now. As such, there is a regular flow of kids being moved in by there parents.

One of the reasons I’m here is to help get my daughter moved in and set up. Of course, this has resulted in a never-ending number of trips to first this store and then others in our quest to accomplish that task. And with it being 108 degrees and rising, along with humidity, those errands have become taxing.

But when we returned from one of our trips earlier today, we received a treat. Walking in from the parking structure, we noticed that someone, who must have been bringing in groceries, had dropped an egg on the sidewalk.

Now, I couldn’t quite say for sure if our fascination with the egg on the sidewalk was from our brains melting due to the heat, might well have been why, but we were certainly intrigued to discover if the egg had cooked.

Bending down to take a closer look, we were surprised to see that the egg was, indeed, in the process of cooking on the sidewalk, its white runny part bubbling and turning into a thick-looking gel-like substance.

So, the mystery’s been solved. And egg can be cooked when lying on a hot sidewalk.

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