Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When my kids were little, they all loved bath time. When they were tiny babies, that experience was nothing short of amazing. Watching them go from crying at the beginning of a bath, as newborns, to being soothed by it…nothing better.

Today, I got the opportunity to relive those days of long ago, when I gave my granddaughter her first bath.

Oh, yeah!

My daughter stood by and helped as I taught her how to give Makaila a sponge bath, going over the safety basics and walking her through each step. She asked questions, and made sure to point out areas that needed extra cleaning like the folds of Makaila’s neck where milk had spilled.

What a good mommy!

At first, Makaila wasn’t too happy about having a warm washcloth placed upon her, but soon she began those adorable sounds she makes, the ones that ‘closely resemble a puppy,’ as my daughter says. She grunted, moaned and cooed her way through the remainder of her bath.

Just as I had Makaila in a football hold and was washing her hair, she began to cry again. Not sure whose lower lip pouted out further then, my daughter’s or mine. As we were trying to soothe Makaila, her daddy returned home from work.

As soon as he opened the door, the look on his face was that of deep concern. We quickly assured him that everything was fine. That she was just acclimating to having her hair washed. He looked at his daughter, then us, then back at her again and then relaxed as he came over to Makaila and placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead. It was wonderful to see Makaila’s daddy react so protectively when he heard her crying.

What a good daddy.

My daughter and I finished bathing her and wrapped Makaila in her hooded towel. From there, I snuggled her while my daughter put away the bath items.

The picture you see here is of me holding my granddaughter then. If you look close, it appears as though my hair is brown. It’s not. I had just taken a shower prior to bathing Makaila and my hair was wet. So, I guess you could say it was bath time for both of us.

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