Saturday, August 21, 2010

I always say I’m officially on vacation when I forget what day it is. And with me being a person centered on time and days, that’s saying a lot. But sometimes, all that attention to time and dates falls apart, like it did on Thursday.

As of then, I’d been living on the road for nearly three weeks, during which, I’d dwelled in two separate states and three different places. As such, things got a little askew with my internal calendar.

In anticipation of this happening, I brought a pocket calendar along for my relocation on which I have listed important occasions for friends and family. On Thursday, I took it out and noticed that there were two important anniversaries of my friends coming up, taking note that they weren’t this week, but the following.

I made a mental reminder to send good wishes to my friends the following week. But…as fate would have it, by the end of the day, I’d forgotten that this was not the week of their special events, only that their events were imminent. So what did I do, I went ahead and sent them good wishes—exactly one week early. The following day, realizing my faux pas, I sent emails of apology for my over-eagerness. As a result of this slip, I have realized that I’ve officially been living on the road too long, seeing as I can’t seem to keep my weeks straight.

What does all this mean? I suppose it’s time to start thinking about returning home to a more normal schedule. Will I leave Arizona right away? No. But I’m now entertaining the concept.

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