Saturday, August 25, 2010

My grandfather turned ninety today, and we had a large gala to celebrate. Our family is spread across the country, and it was wonderful to see how many made the effort to come and celebrate. At the event, there was standing room only, as more and more of my grandfather’s friends arrived to help him commemorate his special day. There must have been one hundred plus individuals in attendance, and watching my grandfather shine under their attention was heartwarming.

An aunt and I discussed how we hope we’re as fortunate to be so well thought of when we’re ninety. To be surrounded by so many. Later in the evening, one of my cousins and I spoke of how our grandfather is a giving man—always has been, with an enthusiasm for life and a kind heart that has always and will continue to be an inspiration to us. We went on to talk about how karma plays a big part in a person’s life, and how happy we were to be able to witness the positive karma our grandfather is now reaping as a result of a lifetime of being charitable with his love, time and acceptance.

Our family hung out with my grandfather from nine in the morning until nine this evening, during which time, he drove several of us on a tour of the island, stopping along the way to pick up Starbucks coffee and for him to run to the market. Everywhere we went, we encountered people whose faces lit up when they say my grandfather, and that pleased me.

After lunch, we parted for a couple of hours before reconvening for the festivities. All of us changed into nice clothes and my grandfather donned his kilt in honor of his Scottish heritage. Love it when he does that.

Since parting ways this evening, I can’t get over how my grandfather, at age ninety, is still spry, witty, active and sharp as a tack. He reads four major worldly newspapers each day and, as a result, can debate any subject with anyone and win—every time!

If I had to pick one person who’s been a constant role model for me and the one whom I look up to the most, it would be my grandfather. Without a doubt, he is an amazing man!

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