Sunday, August 29, 2010

It’s amazing how quickly one can assimilate back into an old routine, and how comforting that can be.

Although I’ve been on the road for the past month, sleeping atop sofas, moving from here to there and making a quick trip to South Carolina, I found that when I came home, all those newly learned processes fell away almost from the moment I walked in the door.

And when I got the chance to meet up with some very special friends last night for a long evening of fun, letting our hair down and just being us, the coming home part got easier still, helping to ease the pain of having to leave behind my new granddaughter, her folks and my other daughter.

When I left Arizona to return to Caifornia, I wondered if there might be a transition period. A time of re-familiarizing myself with my schedules and responsibilities here. Didn’t turn out that way. But then, I don’t have the luxury of down time preceding and following my travels. Never have, probably never will, thus I have learned to land on my feet, and like a cat chasing a mouse, I’m off and running. Coming home, even after such a lengthy time away, didn’t change that.

So, at least for the next three days, I’ll enjoy the comfort of being back home, in my own bed, and resuming my normal routine. Then will come Thursday when I’ll jump on another plane and head out of state for another five days. But I have every bit of confidence that I’ll assimilate to that trip and, though away and following a demanding schedule, will manage to still honor all of my commitments, for I know that doing so will bring me comfort.

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