Friday, June 3, 2011

I love how folks seem to appreciate the thoughts that rattle around in my head.  The stories I share.  My philosophies.  As a writer, I’m compelled to spill onto paper what’s in my mind.  And frankly, there’s a plethora of disjointed thoughts bumbling their way around in there all the time.  
But it’s hard to know if what I regurgitate onto paper is something folks will be interested in before I jot it down.  So, when I get feedback from readers that they enjoy what I share, that makes my day! 
One method of honing my writing skills is to write at least three handwritten pages in a journal every day.  I do so without fail, following a pattern of writing referred to as stream-of-consciousness.  That means I don’t jot down how my day went…well...not in any organized fashion.  And there are times, my journal entry may be very little about my day, instead, more focusing on random thoughts, perceptions or feelings I’m experiencing.  Still other times, my journal entries reflect plot concepts for writing projects I’m working on. 
When I began bogging, I opted to do so in this stream-of-consciousness method, allowing folks to see behind-the-scenes of a writer’s creative process and how my thoughts formulate.  Words fail me to express just how gratifying it is that my readers are interested in what I have to share, even though that is often random and disconnected.
A writer’s greatest satisfaction comes from being able to connect with others.  To have their written words impact those who digest them.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone for continuing to read my blogs and for those who opt to add comments.

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