Tuesday, June 7, 2011

To me, there are few things better than being given the chance to try new things.  Engage in unique experiences that open the doors to new perceptions, understanding and opportunities.  I speak to folks all the time about this and am surprised by how many are resistant to the idea of trying new things.
Ever since I can recall, I was adventuresome.  Not only did I want to try new things, but also there was an inner yearning, innate to my being, that needed to branch out.  Being a person who follows the promptings that stem from within, I’m most often pleasantly surprised by the discoveries I adopt when trying new things.
Of course, some of those don’t seem pleasant at the time, but…by the time all is said and done, I’m grateful for having followed what I was led to do.  This is how I grow, learn and better comprehend the world around me.  Without a willing spirit to guide me outside my comfort zone, I believe I’d feel stagnant, like I was being jipped and not making the most of what time I’ve been given. 
I’m a firm believer that life is short, we have been granted the biggest gift of being here and we are to honor that by maximizing our experiences while here.  To do any less seems, to me, like the biggest insult to our existence. 

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